- Click on a player,Right Click on the Window that appears Above,and use the option 'Request Party'
- Go to your Friend List or Guild List to invite using Click then the option 'Request Party'
- This is a Very Important thing,you can call to party only with a Name,Press Enter and Write /Invite Nameofcharacter .
Hatching Digimons
Reader's note: As it is hard to successfully input data in the incubator in order to hatch a digimon, players are not really obligated to risk their eggs trying to add more and more data. The size of the hatched digimon can be rescaled using 'Fruit' Items(Fruit of the Goddess,Miracle Fruit and Mysterious Fruit). Players can get them as gift from event or buy it at the Cash Shop and Kamemon's Core Shop. But the tamer has to take care because the item is able to increase or decrease the size.
Leveling up
Hello, it's Digimaloko Again! Now in this fusion of a little game guide and Don't be a noob guide... I will explain some stuff, but please skip some parts if you think you already understand that. First, let's start with the basics:
- Click left mouse button to move. To talk, press enter. Press escape for settings.
- Click right button to move the camera. When having clicked on another Tamer, right click on it's icon to see the options for this Tamer.
- Do You Know How to Change Channel? It's Only click on the Channel Button at Left of Mini Map,after Click they will show a list of Channels in that Map,If you don't Know this,maybe you won't be able to to find your friend or good shops at Dats Center~
- To trade select another Tamer and then click in the window that appears above and click left button in the option 'Trade Request'. This will open a trade window. Put in the items or click the coin icon to negotiate with money, click on type(
) and write the quantity in numbers. Never put money or items and 'OK' the trade without the other Tamer having put anything in their window.

- To create a party, simply invite another Tamer to party up with you. There are three ways to do this:
-Party Commands:You Need to Be Leader to make all of them Except Exit Party:
1-Exit a party: Right Click on your character photo and click on 'Leave Party', or Press Enter and Write /leave
2-Kick anyone of Party:Right Click on the photo of the character you want kick and put the option 'Expell From Party'
3-Appoint another player to party leader:Right Click On the photo of the character you want appoint leader and click on 'Appoint Party Leader'
4-Change Drop Obtain System:Right Click on you photo as party leader,click on the option that beings with 'Trophy:' then you will have 4 options and a Cancel Option:
1ºThe First Attacker Obtain:It's Same That Default Drop System
2ºSequential Obtainment:You Drop one item,Then You Drop another,the first go to you,the second go to 2ºin party and vice-versa
3ºFree Obtain:Used For Carding..When Activated You can pick up all items other players drop,But you can't pick up Quest Items, you can pick up some Event items.
4ºRandom Obtain:Your Drop..Will go to??? I don't know!! Anyone!!(Same for other players in Party)
(In Party Your Channel Convert to the Channel that have more players of the party)
-To add anyone to Friend List use the option 'Add to Friend List' in the tamer screen that appears above after click another player's Tamer or to make this in distance use /Friend Nameofcharacter
-To add anyone to Block List use the option 'Add to Block List' in the tamer screen that appears above after click another player's Tamer or to make this in distance use /Block Nameofcharacter
-Oh I forgot to tell you How to Make a New Digimon!!
First you need the eggs,to obtain eggs defeat the digimon and their evolutions Example:I Want a Drimogemon then Defeat Drimogemon,Digmon,Giromon and HiAndromon( HiAndromon can drop Guardromon eggs too) to view digiegg drop locations see Drop Location Here .
Once you have the eggs view the type of the egg,Example:I pick up .. Eggs of Drimogemon,Now i need 1
Data Beast Each input..(Input?I will explain:After you have the datas and eggs,you need put it in the Incubator ,later you find one,click on it and use the only option 'Create Mercenary',they will open a Window with 4 options:'Register','Reg.H.Backup','Hatch' and 'Cancel'. First Right Click in the egg you want put on you inventory or Click on 'Register' option,if you put the wrong egg,don't worry use the 'Cancel' option,but if you already put some data sucessfully using the 'Input' button in the egg the 'Cancel' button will destroy the egg, if you have Hatch Backup you can use it pressing the 'Reg.H.Backup' but the Hatch Backup only works with certain levels of Data input,Example:'Penalty Prevention is only available up to level 4'. Then you can only use it in a attempt to up a level 3 inputed digiegg to a level 4 inputed digiegg.

Once it is 3/5 or more and you are pleased with the result,click on 'Hatch' Option then Make a name for your New Digimon,You can also close the name screen and incubator screen to decide with your friends the name,then open again and continue. After Hatch You will View a VERY COOL CUTSCENE That Shows Some of Digi-Evolutions of your New Digimon.
-Now you have your New Digimon(Or Not) You will need Evoluters Right? (What is Evoluter??? It is an item to unlock forms of a Mercenary Digimon [Mercenary=Any Digimon that is not Starter or Xros] ) Check My Guide that says How To Get Evoluters Easy
Burst mode worst case scenario - A friend of mine who was so hyped up after she bought the Burst Mode item (her very first one!) just did what could make some players rage-quit instantly: she opened the Digimon window, dragged the item to Burst Mode slot, and in the speed of light clicked the confirmation button without reading anything. - The Result: deleted item. Can you imagine the roller coaster of emotions? Bet you don't - Dam- those things ain't cheap.
So how do I unlock Burst Mode? Simply, instead of dragging the item to the slot, click on the slot and click the confirmation button when it appears (if it is prompting you to unlock the Burst Mode, of course).
So, yeah, double-check everything. You did, you think you did? You didn't. Check a third time.
-If They Call YOU NOOB Because you Don't Have
or Money,Please Look My Guide How To Get Money Easy You Can Buy a Burst Mode Between 9 and 12
and If you don't have Digimons Vaccine or Light Digimons, You can Try Make without one, But I Reccommend These Atributes for a Good Drop

-Or If You Don't Level Up Fast,Look The LevelUpGuide (I didn't Make the Guide but..i Recommend up with Quests in lv 44++ at Silver Lake,54++ At Silent Forest,64++ At Lost Historic And 74++ At Waterfront,Level Up Only 1 Digimon,later You can up your digimons at lv 1+ in waterfront(Pick up a 74++ Digimon Complete a quest,Change Digimon and Pick Up The Reward,Later you have Level 55 Tamer,Up How the Guide says with that Level [And in Level 63 Tamer You Stop Gain Xp of Waterfront]
(If you don't know where are all these maps,I will tell you,go to D-Terminal and Talk with Elecmon and pay 20
to go to Village Of Beginning, Then after cross the map you will be in Silver Lake,Cross again and you will be in Silent Forest,Cross again and You Will Be in Lost Historic,Cross Again and You Will Be in Waterfront.

Reader's note: One thing that was not mentioned earlier but I believe deserves to be addressed is this: don't shame other people for being noobs. Never forget, EVERYONE was a noob at some point. You may be a level 99 tamer with a 5/5 Joggress Digimon with 12/12 cloning, but there was a time when you were just a level 10 noob training your starter Digimon, learning the ropes through experience and/or assistance from other players. These people who you are insulting and shaming just because they're new to the game may one day be just as powerful as you are now. Noobs are not bad people, they are just people who have not been in the game long enough to learn the ropes.
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