[Updated]Chat Commands for Noobs

Chat Commands

/n /NNormalRegular chat. Anyone in your direct vicinity in the same channel can see this.
/s /SShoutShouting. Anyone in your current map can see this, regardless of channel.
/p /PPartyParty chat. All party members will see what you have said, regardless of channel or map.
/g /GGuildGuild chat. All guild members will see what you have said, regardless of channel or map.
/w /WWhisperWhispering. Only the specified recipient will see this.
/r /RReplyReplying to a whisper. Instead of having to type /w recipient, /r does that for you.
/blockBlockTo block an user. Blocks whispers, trades, normal chat and shouts.
/friendFriendTo add an user to your friends list. Press F to open your friends list.
/guildGuild (invite)To add an user to the guild you belong to, if you're a (sub-)master.
/inviteParty inviteTo add an user to your party. If no party exists, it creates one.
/tradeTradeInvites an user to trade with you.
/leaveLeave partyLeaves the current party
/shopfinderShop LocatorLocates shops with specific characters in your command (Ex. /shopfinder data)
Yes.png/yesThumbs up
No.png/noShaking your finger, not good
Despair.png/despairSitting down in despair, at a loss of what to do
Taunt.png/tauntTaunting / "Bring it on"
Flex.png/flexFlexing / showing your muscles


/초대Invite for PartyInvite someone to your party. Type the command plus space and the nick of the player.

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